The Plugin is installed on your WordPress website. Set ready for its usage.
I will be using the example of creating a post that has a pros and cons table. Let’s start:
Start by creating a new post, Posts >> Add New:
After adding a new post, click on the ‘+’ Button to open Block Editor.
Clicking the’ i2 pros and cons’ icon will add default design of the table and open up options panel at the right side of the Gutenberg editor.
Let’s discuss each option in the right-side panel.
Enter Pros: Using this button, you can Add the pros of the product. Click this button, and this will open a pop-up to provide a section for adding Pros.
The same goes for next Button, i.e., Enter Cons.
Pros Icon: Will let you add an icon that you want to use with the Pros of the product.
Show Main Title: This slider will let you enable or disable the title of your pros and cons plugin. I chose “Pros & Cons” as an example of a title.
Pros Title: There is a difference between ‘Show Main Title’ and this option. This option serves as a title of the Pros column. I chose ‘Pros’ as an example.
The same goes for Cons Title option.
Pros Title Icon: As the name suggests, you can choose an icon for the title of your Pros column.
Note: This icon will appear when setting ‘Use Icon in Heading’ is enabled as Yes.
Lastly, ‘Show Button’ is an important one. This Button can be used to design the CTA button.